wr, wb
Hi friends friends welcome to my blog,
How are you guys today hopefully healthy always.
This time I will discuss about the sights I like yaa hopefully you can stay / read my blog hahaha ...
In the middle of last month I and my friends vacation to unwind tired that hit in because of college duties that pile up and deadline yaa .... should we have extra work to do the task but we choose to vacation, I also not familiar with the campus environment and still adaptable because it is still carried on the school days haha .... understand the teenager who want to go to adulthood, at that time my mind is just for vacation and holiday vacation because of piling tasks, not to mention Pendikar (Islamic religious character education) I am a student of social science education "HM PIPS", and many campus activities and other campus events, so many SMEs are promoting their activities.
Yesterday I vacation to Mempawah precisely in "Mangrove Forest" I went there with 6 my best friends are: Gitri, Desy, Ratih, septi, Riska, cindy. We went there using our motorbike from Pontianak to Mempawa about 1 hour more, why I chose Mangrove Forest to fill my blog this time because I am very interested in Mangrove Forest, people around very clever to get more pengahasilan they racked the brain for get more income by planting mangrove trees after it was made in the field of tourism both from within the region and outside the area of tourists are very enthusiastic on this place, Mangrove has a function of precipitating mud in the roots of mangrove trees so as to prevent the occurrence of Intrusion Sea water to the mainland. Erosion is the erosion of the soil surface by the water flow while the abrasion is the erosion of the soil surface due to sea wave hempasan. Mangrove forests are also very beneficial for the first humans Prevent Sea Water Intrusi, second Prevent Erosion and Beach Abrasion, third As a natural deterrent and filter, the fourth As a place to live and source food for some species of animals, and the latter Role in the formation of the island and stabilize the area coastline, which I know about the benefits of mangrove that alone may readers can add with others. I am there to know more about the mangrove forest and do not forget we also capture the moment there unfortunately jugakan good place if we do not take pictures.
That's all I can tell you about the experience of the trip that I have done, see you again,
wasallamualaikum wr.wb
Hi friends friends welcome to my blog,
How are you guys today hopefully healthy always.
This time I will discuss about the sights I like yaa hopefully you can stay / read my blog hahaha ...
In the middle of last month I and my friends vacation to unwind tired that hit in because of college duties that pile up and deadline yaa .... should we have extra work to do the task but we choose to vacation, I also not familiar with the campus environment and still adaptable because it is still carried on the school days haha .... understand the teenager who want to go to adulthood, at that time my mind is just for vacation and holiday vacation because of piling tasks, not to mention Pendikar (Islamic religious character education) I am a student of social science education "HM PIPS", and many campus activities and other campus events, so many SMEs are promoting their activities.
Yesterday I vacation to Mempawah precisely in "Mangrove Forest" I went there with 6 my best friends are: Gitri, Desy, Ratih, septi, Riska, cindy. We went there using our motorbike from Pontianak to Mempawa about 1 hour more, why I chose Mangrove Forest to fill my blog this time because I am very interested in Mangrove Forest, people around very clever to get more pengahasilan they racked the brain for get more income by planting mangrove trees after it was made in the field of tourism both from within the region and outside the area of tourists are very enthusiastic on this place, Mangrove has a function of precipitating mud in the roots of mangrove trees so as to prevent the occurrence of Intrusion Sea water to the mainland. Erosion is the erosion of the soil surface by the water flow while the abrasion is the erosion of the soil surface due to sea wave hempasan. Mangrove forests are also very beneficial for the first humans Prevent Sea Water Intrusi, second Prevent Erosion and Beach Abrasion, third As a natural deterrent and filter, the fourth As a place to live and source food for some species of animals, and the latter Role in the formation of the island and stabilize the area coastline, which I know about the benefits of mangrove that alone may readers can add with others. I am there to know more about the mangrove forest and do not forget we also capture the moment there unfortunately jugakan good place if we do not take pictures.
That's all I can tell you about the experience of the trip that I have done, see you again,
wasallamualaikum wr.wb
Hai teman teman
selamat datang di blog saya,
Apa kabar kalian
hari ini semoga saja sehat selalu.
Saya kali ini
akan membahas tentang tempat wisata yang saya sukai yaa semoga saja kalian
betah/tahan membaca blog saya hahaha...
Pada pertengahan
bulan lalu saya dan teman-teman liburan untuk melepas lelah penat yang melanda
di karenakan tugas kuliah yang menumpuk dan deadline yaa.... seharusnya kami
harus kerja ekstra untuk mengerjakan tugas tapi kami memilih untuk liburan,
saya juga belum terbiasa dengan lingkungan kampus dan masih beradaptasi karena
masih terbawa masa-masa di bangku sekolah haha.... maklum remaja yang mau
menuju ke dewasa, pada waktu itu pikiran saya hanyalah untuk liburan liburan
dan liburan karena tugas menumpuk, belum lagi Pendikar (pendidikan karakter
agama islam), kegiatan himpunan mahasiswa yaa.. saya masuk di himpunan
mahasiswa pendidikan ilmu pengetahuan sosial "HM PIPS" , dan banyak
kegiatan kampus dan acara kampus lainnya yaa biasalah banyak UKM yang
mempromosikan kegiatan mereka.
Kemarin saya
liburan ke Mempawah tepat nya di "Hutan Mangrove" saya pergi kesana
bersama 6 sahabat saya yaitu: Gitri, Desy, Ratih,Septi,Riska,Cindy. Kami pergi
kesana menggunakan motor kami dari Pontianak
ke Mempawa menempuh perjalanan
kira-kira 1 jam lebih, kenapa saya memilih Hutan Mangrove untuk mengisi blog
saya kali ini karena saya sangat tertarik pada Hutan Mangrove, warga sekitar
sangat pandai untuk mendapatkan pengahasilan lebih mereka memutar otak untuk
mendapatkan penghasilan lebih dengan cara menanam pohon mangrove setelah itu di
jadikan objekwisata baik dari dalam daerah maupun luar daerah wisatawan sangat
antusias pada tempat ini, Mangrove memiliki fungsi mengendapkan lumpur di
akar-akar pohon bakau sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya Intrusi Air laut ke
daratan. Erosi merupakan pengikisan permukaan tanah oleh aliran air sedangkan
abrasi merupakan pengikisan permukaan tanah akibat hempasan ombak laut. Hutan
mangrove juga sangat bermanfaat bagi manusia pertama Mencegah Intrusi Air Laut,
kedua Mencegah Erosi dan Abrasi Pantai, ketiga Sebagai pencegah dan penyaring
alami, yang keempat Sebagai tempat hidup dan sumber makanan bagi beberapa jenis
satwa, dan yang terakhir Berperan dalam pembentukan pulau dan menstabilkan
daerah pesisir, yang saya tahu tentang manfaat mangrove itu saja mungkin
pembaca dapat menambahkan dengan yang lainnya . Saya disana dapat mengetahui
lebih tentang hutan mangrove dan tak lupa kami juga mengabadikan moment disana
sayang jugakan tempat bagus kalau kita tidak menggambil gambar.
Sekian yang dapat
saya sampaikan tentang pengalaman perjalanan yang perna saya lakukan , sampai
jumpa kembali,